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Trending in College Life
The Single Most Important Skill You Don’t Learn in College: Listening
Listening 101 is not a course offered in college but definitely should be. Recently, there…
How to Get the Best Sleep in College
I get it. Sleep is a scarce resource in college. You’re averaging a full 8…
How to Survive Your Freshman Year of College (#CollegeBound Series)
So, you did it. You took the ACT/SAT, visited a few campuses, narrowed down your…
6 Tips to Survive Registration Week
Registration week – the time when all the students are scrambling to register for the…
The Sorority Rush – Should You Rush or Not?
Each year on college campuses, thousands of girls rush a variety of 26 assorted social…
Adorable and Cheap College Dorm Room Decoration Ideas
Whether you’re in a college dorm or have your own place this fall, decorating is…
No Greek Life? No Problem!
The media’s portrayal of Greek life in college ranges from a well-rounded organization that promotes…
College Roommates’ Sensitivity to Each Other’s Distress Can Be Helpful
While college roommates can sense each other’s distress, a recent study by New York University…
How to Stay Safe at Night While on Campus
Late nights are inevitable in college. Whether coming from a late class, long club meeting,…
Benefits of College: 6 Things College Offers Other Than a Degree
College has always been about receiving a degree. You spend four years studying and mastering…
10 Dorm Room Essentials Under $30
There’s no way that you are going to live in a dorm with only the basics…
How To: Grocery Shopping in College
This coming academic year, I’ll be living in an apartment on campus with a full…
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Trending in College Prep
Everything You Need To Know About Magoosh
A play on the Persian word magush, meaning a learned, wise and generous person, Magoosh…
How COVID-19 Is Impacting College Admissions — Interview With Brian Taylor, Managing Director of Ivy Coach
TUN sits down with Brian Taylor, the managing director of Ivy Coach, to discuss the…
What to Buy AFTER You Move Into Your Dorm
While there are essential items you should buy before you move into your dorm room,…
The Pros and Cons of Applying Early Decision and Early Action
There is more than one way to apply to college. Aside from Regular Decision, applicants…
3 Tips on Picking a Major
Picking a major isn’t always easy. In fact, most people I meet in college are…
Everything You Need to Know About ACT Scores
The ACT is a two-hour, 55 minutes exam with Math, Reading, English and Science sections….
High School Resume Tips and Examples — Interview With Judi Robinovitz, Certified Educational Planner and Owner of Score At The Top
TUN sits down with Judi Robinovitz, a certified educational planner and owner of Score At…
National Merit Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know
Every year, about 1.6 million high school juniors across the United States take the Preliminary…
PSAT — Everything You Need to Know
Each year, about 3.5 million high school sophomores and juniors across the United States take…
How to Write a College Essay — Interview With Eric Eng, Founder and CEO, AdmissionSight
TUN sits down with Eric Eng, the founder and CEO of AdmissionSight, to discuss tips…
SAT vs. ACT: Which Test Should You Take? — Interview With Brionna Johnson, Graduate Assistant and Former Adviser With College Advising Corps at UGA
TUN sits down with Brionna Johnson, a graduate assistant and former adviser with the College…
How to Apply for College: Step-by-Step Expert Guide
Applying for college is a monumental moment in every student’s life. While it is undoubtedly…