These scholarships ask you to express your ideas on taking care of the planet!
See 143 Environmental Studies Scholarships <<< here.
1. Solar Action Alliance Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply annually by July 1
Write a 500-1000 word essay answering the following question: What excites you most about the future of solar?
2. Green Home Improvement Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply annually by December 15
HomeAdvisor is challenging students to break new ground in green home improvement by offering a $1,000 scholarship every year to one student.
3. Source Supply College Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply annually by May 31
Write a 1,000 word essay responding to the following essay prompt: Discuss the importance of keeping the environment clean. How does recycling make an impact on the environment? And how can the systems we, as a nation, have in place be improved?
4. Electricity Match Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply annually by May 31
If you care about energy conservation then this is the scholarship for you!
5. Waterlogic’s World Water Issue Scholarship – $1,5000 – Apply annually by April 30
Waterlogic is awarding a $1,500 scholarship to a student who submits the best essay about water preservation.
6. E-waste Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply by April 30
In a 140 characters, complete the sentence The most important reason to care about e-waste is… and you could win a $1,000 scholarship!
7. Good360 Sustainability Scholarship – $1,000 – Apply by November 30
Good360 is offering a $1,000 scholarship to the person with the best photo and short essay!