Sorority Recruitment 101



Sorority Recruitment101

Sorority Recruitment. When people hear those words they immediately get nervous because they think it is some scary process, as they might have heard horror stories or seen it in movies. Recruitment is not scary in the slightest, let me tell you first hand. I went through recruitment at The University of Delaware this past February and I could not be happier with my decision in doing so. If anyone is planning to rush, please take a look at my list if you are worried about recruitment. I am here to make it seem less scary because rest assured, it is not! It may even turn into one of the best life experiences you have. I hope that taking a look at this post will convince you to go through it if you are currently on the fence about Greek Life.

One last note… keep in mind that I am writing this article based on my experiences of recruitment at the university I attend. Each school may do the process a bit differently 🙂

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Go into recruitment completely open minded.

I have seen the best recruitment results when girls go into it with this mentality. Just soak in everything and take it one step at a time. Taking this process day by day is key: you can’t think too far ahead. Although I want you to go into it open minded, do not go into the process completely clueless either. Especially if your school does spring rush you have plenty of time to look into the process a little bit. Ask around, ask some older girls what the process is like so you know a little bit of what to expect when you start the process (this will calm your nerves too hearing that it is a great experience from other girls at your university)

Be yourself.

Honestly this is the most important factor of recruitment. Just let the conversations flow and talk about things that interest YOU. The girls are trying to get to know you for you, not someone that you are not. If you start to realize that you are saying things you wouldn’t normally say or just acting differently, you may need to step back and think “Is this the place for me?”

Trust the process.

These words were spoken to me so many times during recruitment and they are the ones to live by. You may be confused as to why certain results happen during recruitment, but I am telling you take it for what it is and move on. I am the biggest advocate in saying that everything happens for a reason: it truly does. You will end up where you are meant to be 🙂

Get A LOT of sleep during this week (or set of weekends).

I always push students to get a lot of sleep (especially in college when you need it the most) but I am pushing it even more during recruitment time. You have to wake up early in the morning and may not come back until later at night. These are long, energy tolling days and you need all the sleep you can get. Do not run yourself down and get a fever during recruitment like I did… that was not fun. You might be lucky and be able to do recruitment before classes start, but in my case classes had already begun. Make sure your work gets done first, that is always the priority. Doing your work will also take your mind off of whatever you are thinking about recruitment.

This is a completely individual process.

I know it is so hard not to talk about the day of recruitment when you and your best friends get back to your dorm, but please try not to. Everyone is thinking differently about the process and you don’t want to alter anyone’s personal decision. And under any circumstance should you talk badly about any chapter. Chapters have reputations that people hear about and they are never true, so do not listen to those rumors.

And of course… Have fun with it!

I am such a people person so what is better than talking to people about yourself for hours? Get to know girls in other chapters! This process in my case made a large university seem so much smaller. I still connect with the people I met during recruitment. You’re with these people for a solid period of time, of course you are going to connect and grow… it is an amazing process.

See it isn’t scary after-all! I hope that these tips have calmed your nerves and have answered any questions you have about going through recruitment. I would never be such an advocate to go through a process that I didn’t think was worth it, but joining a sorority has exceeded my expectations and more!

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