The time you spend at your university is supposed to comprise some of the greatest years of your lives. Now you can make these years even better by saving money nearly everywhere you go. The University Network (TUN) is the largest student discount program in the US and will aid your college spending. Use to find the best deals and use your student ID to start saving moderate amounts at local businesses and national brands.
Here are the 10 best student discounts near USC:
Trio House | 3031 S Figueroa St Los Angeles, CA 90007
15% off for USC students with student discount card
Salad Farm | 2210 S Figueroa St Los Angeles, CA 90007
20% off with valid USC student ID
Rosso’s Pizzeria | 3500 S Figueroa Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007
10% off for USC students with valid ID
Evoke Yoga | 212 W 7th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014
First Time Members: 2 weeks for $25 | Student Discount: $15 for a Drop In Class and $135 for 10 Classes
YAS Fitness Center | 831 S Hope St. Los Angeles, CA 90017
$19 Single Class | $162 for 10 Classes with valid student ID
Hope Spa & Nails | 501 W Olympic Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90015
10% off for USC and FIDM students
Candolyn’s Day Spa | 350 Grand Ave St. D-9 Los Angeles, CA 90071
20% off with valid student ID
Wolf’s European Hairstyling | 404 South Figueroa Street #413 Los Angeles, CA 90071
20% off with valid student ID
California Science Center IMAX | 700 Exposition Park Drive Los Angeles, CA 90037
$6 admission to any IMAX movie with valid student ID
Natural History Museum | 900 Exposition Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007
$9 admission with valid student ID