Description This course is part of the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters program. In order to get the most out of this course, we recommend that you have experience working in the development sector or a strong interest in this area. We also recommend that you complete the other three coursesthat make up the Leadership…
Description This course is part of the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters program. In order to get the most out of this course, we recommend that you have experience working in the development sector or a strong interest in this area. We also recommend that you complete the other three coursesthat make up the Leadership…
Description Business models are regarded as a form of innovation and not merely just a vehicle for commercialization. In this course, students will learn about multiple business model innovation avenues and metrics for assessing on-going market fit and sustainability.This course introduces an evidence-based approach to innovation management with the aim of providing students with the…
Description Go beyond just an individual new product, service and/or business model initiative to build a culture of innovation. This course will help you identify the organizational barriers to innovation and provide you with the tools to assess your innovation readiness. You will learn new skills, capabilities and strategies that will help you to drive…
Description After completing the four content courses in the MicroMasters program, students are encouraged to complete the Capstone Assessment and earn their MicroMasters credential from UQx. This capstone offers students the opportunity to bring their learnings together and exhibit their knowledge and growth through four activities: A traditional knowledge test derived from the questions already…
Description This course systematically explores the effectiveness of the law and justice system from a psychological perspective. By experiencing a fictional case first hand, you will learn about the psychology of law and some of the misconceptions commonly held about criminal justice. Price: FREE to audit! View Class The Psychology of Criminal Justice through edX,…
Description This course will blend business theory and real-world insights to teach you the skills you need to better lead people and teams within your organization. Key topics will include motivation, communication, conflict management, team dynamics, and development of a healthy organizational culture. These “people skills” rank among the most challenging competencies for both novice…
Description Leaders must be prepared to succeed in fast-moving, complex, global business environments. This course is intended for people working in the modern-day global organization and will teach you how to tackle these complex and challenging issues, including: How global issues, such as global warming and geopolitical tensions, impact an organization’s decision-making process and how…
Description Do not enrol in this course unless you are eligible to do so, having completed and earnt a verified certificate in all four other courses in this MicroMasters series. Ineligible learners will be automatically withdrawn from the Capstone Assessment.The Capstone is the last step to complete the Business Innovation MicroMasters credential and is designed…
Description Want to be a key player in transitioning your organisation to the low carbon economy? This course is ideally suited to business managers, financial managers, business-intelligent analysts and data scientists interested in remaining competitive in a low carbon economy. This course will equip you with the knowledge and essential skills to manage the risks…