Description This Specialization teaches the essential skills for working with large-scale data using SQL. Maybe you are new to SQL and you want to learn the basics. Or maybe you already have some experience using SQL to query smaller-scale data with relational databases. Either way, if you are interested in gaining the skills necessary to…
Description In the U.S., social policy accounts for two-thirds of government spending. Knowing how policies are constructed, what values underlie them, and how they succeed or fail makes everyone more effective at work or in their civic role. This specialization includes an HONORS track in which learners will complete a professional social policy analysis. Teachers,…
Description Construction Management is the planning, coordinating, and building of a project from conception to completion. This specialization is intended for Construction industry professionals, engineers, and architects looking to advance their careers. Students interested in learning about construction project management would also benefit from this specialization. Price: Enroll For Free! View Class Language: Subtitles: English…
Description This specialization will give you the knowledge, both theoretical and practical, to launch your career in the music business as an artist, manager, agent, and/or producer. You will begin with Music Business Foundations, which provides a broad overview of the music business, including a history of the industry as well as the various roles…
Description With social media platforms and powerful recording technology at your fingertips, it’s easier now than ever before to create music and share it with your fans. But where do you begin and how do you get started? This specialization will take you through the process of writing, recording, and producing your own music in…
Description The UI/UX Design Specialization brings a design-centric approach to user interface and user experience design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one focused on marketing or programming alone. In this sequence of four courses, you will summarize and demonstrate all stages of the UI/UX development process,…
Description Stemming from the principles of storytelling and design established in CalArts’ renowned Animation programs, this Specialization lays a primary foundation for experimentation and exploration of video game design, story, character development, and winning gameplay before programming begins. These four courses emphasize the self-reliance and personal expression of the gaming artist, and encourage you to…
Description Graphic design is all around us, in a myriad of forms, both on screen and in print, yet it is always made up of images and words to create a communication goal. This four-course sequence exposes students to the fundamental skills required to make sophisticated graphic design: process, historical context, and communication through image-making…
Description Manufacturers are under more pressure than ever to deliver better products faster, at lower cost, and with less waste. The “throw-it-over-the-wall” approach to product development worked well enough in the past. But to compete in the future, you’ll need to connect and automate design and manufacturing processes. Bringing the studio and shop floor together…
Description In the Electronic Music Production specialization, you will learn the tricks of the trade to create high-quality, professional sounding music. You’ll begin by learning about the nature of sound and how a signal flows through a home studio setup. Additionally, you’ll learn how to create your own custom musical sounds through music synthesis. You’ll…