Rosemary Extract Compound Found to Reduce Cocaine Sensitivity, Study Reveals

In a groundbreaking study led by UC Irvine, researchers reveal that a compound in rosemary extract can decrease cocaine sensitivity by moderating brain activity. This discovery could pave the way for new addiction treatments.

A recent groundbreaking study led by the University of California, Irvine has identified that a specific compound found in rosemary extract, known as carnosic acid, can lower the voluntary intake of cocaine by moderating the brain’s reward response system. This discovery could herald a new era of treatments for addiction.

Published online in the journal Neuron, the study focused on a critical brain region called the globus pallidus externus (GPe). This area acts as a regulator for how the brain reacts to cocaine.

The researchers found that within the GPe, parvalbumin-positive neurons are pivotal in managing the brain’s response to the drug by affecting the activity of neurons that release dopamine, the chemical associated with pleasure.

“There are currently no effective therapeutics for dependence on psychostimulants such as cocaine, which, along with opioids, represent a substantial health burden,” Kevin Beier, associate professor of physiology and biophysics at UC Irvine and corresponding author of the study, said in a news release. “Our study deepens our understanding of the basic brain mechanisms that increase vulnerability to substance use disorder-related outcomes and provides a foundation for the development of new interventions.”

Through experiments conducted on mice, the team discovered that exposure to cocaine made the parvalbumin-positive cells in the GPe more excitable, resulting in decreased levels of certain proteins critical for regulating cell activity. They found that carnosic acid, the active compound in rosemary extract, specifically binds to these affected channels, offering a promising method to mitigate the brain’s response to cocaine.

“Only a subset of individuals are vulnerable to developing a substance use disorder, but we cannot yet identify who they are. If globus pallidus cell activity can effectively predict response to cocaine, it could be used to measure likely responses and thus serve as a biomarker for the most vulnerable,” added Beier. “Furthermore, it’s possible that carnosic acid could be given to those at high risk to reduce the response to cocaine.”

The implications of this research are vast. Finding a natural compound like carnosic acid, which can control the response to addictive substances, opens new avenues for addiction therapies that are both effective and have lower potential for side effects.

The next phase of research will delve into assessing any negative side effects of carnosic acid, as well as determining the optimal dosage and timing for its administration. The researchers are also keen to explore its potential in curbing dependencies on other drugs and in developing more potent and targeted variants of the compound.

In addition to the team from UC Irvine, scientists from the University of West Virginia and the University of Colorado collaborated on the study.