New Study Reveals Climate Change Threatens Sloth Survival by 2100

A new study published in PeerJ Life & Environment reveals that climate change poses severe risks to sloths, especially those in high-altitude regions. The research highlights the animals’ limited ability to adapt to rising temperatures, underscoring the need for urgent conservation measures.

A new study published in PeerJ Life & Environment has delivered an urgent message about the survival of sloths. The slow-moving creatures, known for their leisurely pace and tree-dwelling lifestyle in Central and South America, are facing serious existential threats due to climate change.

The research examines the metabolic response of two-fingered sloths (Choloepus hoffmanni) to rising temperatures, revealing their energy limitations could make survival untenable by the end of the century, particularly for high-altitude populations. As temperatures continue to climb, the findings suggest that sloths, especially those in highland regions, may not survive.

Significant Findings

The study, titled “Sloth Metabolism May Make Survival Untenable Under Climate Change Scenarios,” uses indirect calorimetry to measure the oxygen consumption and core body temperature of sloths under conditions mimicking projected climate changes.

It reveals that sloths in high-altitude regions experience a sharp increase in their resting metabolic rate (RMR) as temperatures rise. In contrast, lowland sloths, although better adapted to warmer conditions, initiate a metabolic depression when temperatures exceed their comfort zone, known as the “thermally-active zone.”

“Sloths are inherently limited by their slow metabolism and unique inability to regulate body temperature effectively, unlike most mammals,” lead researcher Rebecca Cliffe said in a news release. “Our research shows that sloths, particularly in high-altitude regions, may not be able to survive the significant increases in temperature forecast for 2100.”

By 2100, projected temperature rises between 2 degrees Centigrade and 6 degrees Centigrade in sloth habitats may severely burden high-altitude sloths. Their limited energy-processing ability and minimal geographical flexibility make adjusting to the warming climate particularly challenging.

Additionally, sloths’ slow digestion rate, which is up to 24 times slower than other similar-sized herbivores, exacerbates the problem. Increased metabolic demand due to climate change cannot be easily met by an increased food intake, making it difficult for sloths to maintain energy balance.

A Call for Conservation

The most alarming aspect of this research is the fate of high-altitude sloths. Due to their restricted ability to migrate to cooler regions and limited metabolic flexibility, these populations face a heightened risk of extinction as temperatures rise. While lowland sloths might adapt by shifting to higher altitudes, highland sloths are geographically constrained and might not have this option.

The study underscores a pressing need for conservation efforts tailored to protect sloth populations from the impacts of global warming. The authors call for further research into adaptive strategies and conservation policies that can help mitigate the risks sloths face in a rapidly warming world.

The findings of this study present a clear indication of the broader impacts of climate change on biodiversity and the urgent need for global conservation efforts to protect vulnerable species like the sloth.