Category: People & Culture

  • New Study Reveals Common Cognitive Pathway in Diverse Spiritual Practices

    Although Buddhist jhāna meditation and the Christian practice of speaking in tongues appear as diametrically opposite spiritual practices, they may share a profound commonality, according to a new study. Co-led by Michael Lifshitz, an assistant professor of psychiatry at McGill University and investigator at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, alongside collaborators from Monash…

  • Humans and Animals Keep Exploring New Ways to Solve a Task Even After Finding Optimal Solutions

    A recent study conducted by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) uncovers a surprising trait shared by both humans and animals: the tendency to continue exploring new ways to solve a task even after learning the optimal strategy. Published in Current Biology, the study might have broader implications for understanding decision-making and behavioral…

  • New eBay Bargaining Study Reveals Strategies for Better Deals

    A new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has unearthed key insights into the art of bargaining on eBay, revealing strategies that can lead to better deals for both buyers and sellers. Led by Miruna Cotet, a Complexity Science Hub Vienna postdoctoral scholar who conducted the study as a doctoral…

  • How to Avoid Workplace Mediocrity Trap: Rutgers Study

    Confidence, persistence and ingenuity have long been hailed as crucial traits for professional success. However, new research from Rutgers University suggests that traits like maintaining the status quo may also play an essential role within teams. The study, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, indicates that workplace envy can lead to the ostracism…

  • Americans Willing to Pay Nearly $100 Billion to Cut Gun Violence

    Gun violence manifests in several troubling forms, ranging from devastating mass shootings to the persistent threat of gang-related crime. Beyond the immediate and tragic loss of life, gun violence affects housing decisions, local economies and the broader sense of public safety. Now, a new study published in the journal Economic Sciences indicates that Americans are…

  • Parental Support Grows for Teen Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures: New Poll

    A growing trend has emerged among parents showing increased support for teenagers seeking non-surgical cosmetic procedures. According to a new national poll conducted by the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, one in six parents believe that teens should be allowed to receive these types of aesthetic treatments, provided there is parental approval.…

  • New Validated Tool to Assess Partner’s Responsiveness

    A new study led by the Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior Research (CIMCYC) at the University of Granada (UGR) highlights the profound impact of feeling supported and listened to by one’s partner on physical and emotional well-being. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, these findings bring attention to the importance of emotional responsiveness in…

  • Ready for a Relationship? Your Friends Can Tell

    As Valentine’s Day approaches and couples contemplate the seriousness of their relationships, a revealing new study led by Michigan State University shows that friends have substantial insights into each other’s readiness for committed relationships. The study, published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, indicates that friends can accurately assess who among them is…

  • Valentine’s Scale: Assess Your Relationship’s Health With Scientifically Proven Tool

    As Valentine’s Day approaches, a new scientific tool promises to help couples take the pulse of their romantic relationships. Researchers led by Stockholm University have developed the Valentine’s Scale, a scientifically validated self-test. This seven-question scale aims to provide a quick and reliable measure of relationship satisfaction, making it an ideal tool for couples looking…

  • Gaps in High School Athletes’ Understanding of Basic Nutrition

    High school health classes often revolve around awkward conversations about STDs, drugs and alcohol, while largely ignoring another key aspect of well-being — nutrition. This educational gap is particularly risky for student athletes, whose demanding physical activities require precise fueling to avoid injuries and other health issues. A new study published in Nutrients brings to…