Researchers Capture First-Ever Atomic-Level View of Catalyst in Action

Scientists led by UCLA and Berkeley Lab have achieved a historic milestone by capturing atomic-level images of a copper catalyst in action during an electrochemical reaction. This breakthrough offers new insights into developing more efficient catalysts, potentially transforming energy production and industrial processes.

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists led by the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have captured atomic-level images of a copper catalyst during an electrochemical reaction. This discovery, published in the journal Nature, marks the first time researchers can observe catalysts in real-time, unlocking vital insights for energy production and industrial applications.

Catalysts are critical in numerous electrochemical reactions, which are essential for manufacturing materials ranging from aluminum and PVC pipes to soap and paper. They also play a pivotal role in the workings of batteries that power electronics, cars, and medical devices.

The ability to observe the atomic behavior of catalysts during reactions could revolutionize these processes, making them more efficient and sustainable.

“For something that is all over our lives, we actually understand very little about how catalysts work in real time,” Pri Narang, co-author and professor of physical sciences in the UCLA College and of electrical and computer engineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, said in a news release. “We now have the ability to look at what’s happening at an atomic level and understand it from a theoretical standpoint.”

By using a specially designed electrochemical cell, the research team observed the atomic details of a copper catalyst as it broke down carbon dioxide — a potentially transformative method for recycling greenhouse gases into fuel or other useful products. During this process, they documented liquid-like masses of copper appearing and disappearing on the catalyst surface, thus providing unprecedented insights into its behavior.

“Everyone would benefit from turning carbon dioxide straight to fuel, but how do we do it, and do it cheaply, reliably and at scale?” Narang added. “This is the type of fundamental science that should move the needle in addressing those challenges.”

This advancement holds significant promise for developing more effective and efficient catalysts, moving beyond the traditional trial-and-error methods. Yu Huang, co-author and chair of the materials science and engineering department at UCLA Samueli, emphasized the broader implications of this technological leap.

“Any information we can get about what really happens in electrocatalysis is a tremendous help in our fundamental understanding and search for practical designs,” Huang said in the news release. “Without that information, it’s as if we’re throwing darts blindfolded, and hoping that we hit somewhere close to the target.”

Using a high-power electron microscope at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, the team could scrutinize samples at atomic levels, overcoming obstacles such as the opaque liquid electrolyte necessary for electrochemical reactions. The innovative hermetically sealed device developed by the team was crucial in this effort.

“We never expected the surface to turn amorphous and then return back to the crystalline structure,” added Yang Liu, a UCLA graduate student in Huang’s research group. “Without this special tool for watching the system in operation, we would never be able to capture that moment.”

The findings underscore the importance of advancing characterization tools in unlocking new scientific discoveries and understanding material behaviors under realistic conditions.

This pioneering study not only sheds light on the complexities of catalyst behavior but also points to a future where more precise and efficient electrochemical reactions can help address global challenges, from sustainable energy production to reducing greenhouse gases.