University of Michigan Develops Breakthrough in Artificial Photosynthesis for Sustainable Fuels

In a groundbreaking development, the University of Michigan’s engineers have devised an artificial photosynthesis system that efficiently converts carbon dioxide into ethylene. This technological leap holds promise for reducing industrial CO2 emissions and fostering sustainable fuel production.

In a significant step toward creating sustainable fuels, researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a pioneering artificial photosynthesis system. This groundbreaking setup chains two carbon atoms together to produce ethylene with unparalleled efficiency, longevity and yield.

“The performance, or the activity and stability, is about five to six times better than what is typically reported for solar energy or light-driven carbon dioxide reduction to ethylene,” Zetian Mi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Michigan and the corresponding author of the study published in Nature Synthesis, said in a news release.

The Significance of Ethylene

Ethylene, a fundamental hydrocarbon predominantly used in the production of plastics, is typically manufactured from oil and gas under high temperatures and pressures, processes that emit substantial amounts of CO2.

“Ethylene is actually the most produced organic compound in the world. But it is typically produced with oil and gas, under high temperatures and pressures, all of which emits CO2,” Mi added.

By harnessing light to convert CO2 into ethylene, this newly engineered device presents a greener alternative that could mitigate the carbon footprint of plastic manufacturing and pave the way for cleaner industrial processes.

How It Works

The system operates by absorbing light through two types of semiconductors — a forest of incredibly narrow gallium nitride nanowires growing on a silicon base. The conversion of water and carbon dioxide into ethylene occurs on copper clusters that speckle the nanowires.

When these nanowires are immersed in CO2-enriched water and exposed to light, they trigger a sequence of reactions. The light’s energy frees electrons to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The copper clusters then help bind the hydrogen to carbon from CO2, forming carbon monoxide. The final ethylene production possibly occurs at the interface of copper and gallium nitride oxide, where carbon atoms bond and oxygen atoms are replaced with hydrogen.

What’s even more impressive is the system’s endurance. Unlike other catalysts needing carbon-based fluids and degrading after a few hours, this device achieved a commendable efficiency of 61% and functioned continuously for 116 hours, with similar devices reaching 3,000 hours of operation.

Future Ambitions

Looking ahead, the team aims to extend their success to other hydrocarbons, striving to produce multicarbon compounds, such as propanol and liquid fuels. These advancements could revolutionize sustainable fuel production, making current transportation technologies more environmentally friendly.

“In the future, we want to produce some other multicarbon compounds such as propanol with three carbons or liquid products,” first author Bingxing Zhang, an assistant research scientist in electrical and computer engineering at U-M, said in the news release.

This innovation promises to advance efforts in converting CO2 into valuable products, presenting an exciting frontier in the quest for sustainable energy solutions.

The University of Michigan has applied for patent protection and is licensing the technology to NX Fuels, a startup cofounded by Mi.