Researchers Discover Hundreds of New Species Using Pioneering DNA Barcoding

Scientists led by NTNU University Museum have utilized DNA barcoding to identify hundreds of previously unknown insect species. This groundbreaking study highlights the potential of advanced genetic techniques in cataloging Earth’s vast biological diversity.

A team of researchers led by Emily Hartop from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) University Museum has made a significant breakthrough in the field of biodiversity. Using an innovative method known as DNA barcoding, they identified hundreds of previously unknown insect species, shining a light on what is often referred to as “biological dark matter.”

The unknown species elude traditional methods of identification due to their inconspicuous nature and the lack of specialized experts. Many of these organisms are found in hard-to-reach environments or exist in low numbers, making them difficult to study with conventional techniques.

Hartop, an associate professor in the Department of Natural History at the NTNU University Museum. explained that the utilization of DNA barcoding — a technique that compares small DNA sequences against existing databases — has revolutionized the field.

“In DNA barcoding, you only need a tiny bit of DNA to identify a species,” she said in a news release.

This minimally invasive method allows researchers to rapidly categorize species and update taxonomic databases efficiently.

In their latest research, published in the journal BMC Biology, the team focused on various insect species across 37 different habitats in Sweden. By analyzing 31,800 DNA samples collected throughout the year, the researchers discovered an astounding 549 potential species of scuttle flies (Phoridae), 175 of which were new to Sweden.

“For example, we found a total of 549 different potential species of scuttle fly. This is a surprisingly high density and diversity,” Hartop added.

The implications of this discovery are profound. With biodiversity under threat from habitat loss, climate change and other human activities, understanding the full scope of existing species is critical.

According to Hartop, gaining an overview of this biodiversity can guide conservation efforts by highlighting the most vulnerable species and the impact of environmental changes on various habitats.

“It is important to gain an overview of the biodiversity around us. This means that we must study the inconspicuous, but species-rich groups,” she added.

Given that DNA barcoding enables quicker and more comprehensive cataloging of species, the method holds immense potential for advancing our knowledge of global biodiversity.

The research underscores the need for continued exploration and documentation in the face of escalating ecological threats. As we strive to protect our planet’s intricate web of life, tools like DNA barcoding may be pivotal in unraveling the mysteries left in our biological “dark matter.”

“The time is ripe to explore the biological dark matter,” concluded Hartop.