Amount: $12,000. About: Scholarship for Survivors is a program that annually awards scholarships students who are or have been diagnosed with cancer or a critical or life-threatening disease. Applicants must be under the age of 25, have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for cancer or a chronic illness within the past five years,…
Amount: $5,000. About: Offered by the NAPABA Law Foundation, the Han C. Choi Scholarship is annually awarded to law students who show an interest in Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) issues. Applicants must be year one or year two law students enrolled in an Association of American Law School (AALS)-accredited law school and “exhibit academic excellence,…
Amount: Up to $2,500. About: The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF) Scholarship is annually awarded to undergraduate and/or post-graduate students who survived pediatric cancer. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors, community college students, or 4-year university students who have been treated for pediatric cancer, be full-time students, and meet a minimum GPA requirement of…
Amount: $5,000. About: Each year, the Holly Scanlan Foundation offers scholarships to undergraduate students who have an immediate family member or are themselves afflicted with cancer. Applicants must be residents of Connecticut or Minnesota and must be referred for the scholarship by an oncology social worker or care manager. All applicants should also be meaningfully…
Amount: Up to $5,000. About: The Lep Foundation is an organization that provides scholarships to students in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The Lep Foundation CURE Cancer Support Scholarship is designated for students who were diagnosed with cancer and whose disease and treatments have placed a significant financial burden on them and their families.…