Amount: $2,500. About: The Mensa Foundation runs an annual scholarship program that challenges students to write an essay describing their career, academic, or vocational goals. Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program at an accredited U.S. higher education institution. Eligible Grade Levels: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, Graduate Student Eligible Majors:…
Amount: $100,000. About: The McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship is intended to help Hispanic American students afford to make to and through college. Applicants must be high school seniors, be legal U.S. residents, be younger than 21 years old, have a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale, enroll at an accredited two- or four-year…
Amount: Up to $5,000. About: The Washington Media Scholars Foundation runs the Media Fellows Scholarship program. This program is open to students studying at the intersection of advertising and public policy in majors such as marketing, communications, business, political science, and strategic media. Juniors and seniors in college are highly encouraged to apply, but awards…
Amount: $10,000. About: The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MMCA), an organization that promotes the hiring of diverse lawyers, offers the LMJ scholarship to women and diverse students who have been accepted to an ABA-accredited law school and have an interest in corporate law. The scholarship provides $10,000 for winning students’ first year in law school…
Amount: Up to $40,000 (over 4 years). About: The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (MCSF) provides need-based scholarships to military children to support them in their pursuit of an associate’s or undergraduate degree or a non-degree career and technical certificate program. To date, MCSF has awarded scholarships worth nearly $185 million in honor of Marines. To…
Amount: Award covers university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from USA (+ contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse). About: Administered by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, the Marshall Scholarship Program is a UK scholarship program for American students. The Commission…