Niche $25,000 Back to School ‘No Essay’ Scholarship

Amount: $25,000. About: Offered by Niche, the Niche $25,000 Back to School “No Essay” Scholarship awards $25,000 to one student to help pay for tuition, housing, books, and other educational expenses. The scholarship is open to all high school and college students, as well as others planning on attending college or graduate school in the next year. Applicants must be a US citizen or holder of a valid Visa/US passport. Applicants are allowed one entry only, and the winner is determined by random drawing.
Eligible Grade Levels: High School
Eligible Majors: All majors
Residency Requirement: No residency requirement
Minimum GPA: No GPA requirement
Deadline: Application is currently closed. Please note that scholarship deadlines often change, so make sure to check the scholarship sponsor’s website for up-to-date deadlines.

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