The WebXd Scholarship Application

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Essay Prompt - Please compose an essay of at least 350 words reflecting on a specific instance where a campaign, website, or social media post resonated with you, inspired you, or challenged you to think differently about a particular subject.

Consider the following questions to guide your essay:

  1. Describe the digital media that inspired or provoked a shift in your thinking. What aspects of the campaign, website, or social media post caught your attention and why?

  2. In what ways did this digital interaction impact your viewpoints, beliefs, or behaviors?

  3. How has this change affected your decisions, actions, or interactions with others?

  4. Do you believe the impact of this experience will be long-lasting? If so, in what ways? We encourage creativity and authenticity in your essays. Your reflections should provide insightful analysis and demonstrate a deep understanding of the impact that digital media can have on individuals and society.

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