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Culinary Institute of America Tuition and Success Analysis

Culinary Institute of America Overview

Culinary Institute of America is a four-year, full-time, inclusive, higher transfer-in, higher education institution located in Hyde Park, NY. It has an enrollment of 2,854 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 98.10%.

The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $27,129. Tuition is $35,550.00 without financial aid.

Culinary Institute of America is a predominantly associate-degree granting school.

At Culinary Institute of America, 64.31% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).

Culinary Institute of America has a student-to-faculty ratio of 20 to 1.

Culinary Institute of America Website

Culinary Institute of America Admissions

For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 98.10%.

SAT or ACT scores are recommended.

  • The average SAT score was unreported for the incoming class of 2023.
  • The median ACT score was unreported for the incoming class to 2023.

Culinary Institute of America Cost

The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $27,129.

The average tuition is:

  • $22,396, when family income is less than $30,000
  • $24,610, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000 
  • $26,756, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
  • $31,711, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
  • $31,055, when family income is more than $110,000 

The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 48.68% of students received a federal student loan and 26.14% of students received a Pell Grant.

Tuition is $35,550.00 without financial aid.

Culinary Institute of America Net Price Calculator

Culinary Institute of America Majors/Salaries

Culinary Institute of America has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.  

  • Agriculture – 0.00%
  • Resources – 0.00%
  • Architecture – 0.00%
  • Ethnic cultural gender – 0.00%
  • Communication – 0.00%
  • Communications technology – 0.00%
  • Computer – 0.00%
  • Personal culinary – 73.37%
  • Education –0.00%
  • Engineering – 0.00%
  • Engineering technology – 0.00%
  • Language – 0.00%
  • Family consumer science – 0.00%
  • Legal – 0.00%
  • English – 0.00%
  • Humanities – 0.00%
  • Library – 0.00%
  • Biological – 0.00%
  • Business Marketing – 22.89%
  • Mathematics – 0.00%
  • Military – 0.00%
  • Multidiscipline – 3.74%
  • Parks recreation fitness – 0.00%
  • Philosophy religious – 0.00%
  • Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
  • Physical science – 0.00%
  • Science technology – 0.00%
  • Psychology – 0.00%
  • Security law enforcement – 0.00%
  • Public administration social service – 0.00%
  • Social science – 0.00%
  • Construction –0.00%
  • Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
  • Precision production – 0.00%
  • Transportation – 0.00%
  • Visual performing – 0.00%
  • Health – 0.00%
  • History – 0.00%

Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at Culinary Institute of America here.

Recent Graduate Salaries

(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)

  • Culinary Arts and Related Services. (Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma) – $51,690
  • Culinary Arts and Related Services. (Associate’s Degree) – $32,753
  • Hospitality Administration/Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,746

Culinary Institute of America Diversity

The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at Culinary Institute of America

  • American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.28%
  • Asian: 8.34%
  • Black: 8.20%
  • Hispanic: 19.73%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.28%
  • Non-resident alien: 9.67%
  • Two or more races: 4.34%
  • Unknown: 2.59%
  • White: 46.57%

At Culinary Institute of America, 17.97% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.

Culinary Institute of America Frequently Asked Questions

How is school spirit at Culinary Institute of America?

School spirit at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is quite strong, focused largely around a shared passion for food and culinary arts. The CIA has historically been a prestigious institution in the culinary world, with a reputation for producing top-notch chefs and culinary professionals. As such, there is great pride among students, staff, and alumni in being part of such a storied program. There are a number of ways that school spirit is expressed at the CIA. For example, students often participate in on-campus cooking competitions and events, and there are a number of student-run clubs and organizations that provide opportunities for socializing and networking within the culinary community. Additionally, the CIA has a respected athletics program (primarily focused on sports like soccer, basketball, and cross-country), and many students and staff attend games and other sporting events to support their peers. All in all, school spirit at the CIA is driven by a shared commitment to culinary excellence and a deep enjoyment of the culinary arts. So, if you are a student with a deep passion for cooking and culinary arts, CIA may be a great fit for you.

What are some popular extracurriculars at Culinary Institute of America?

At Culinary Institute of America, some popular extracurricular activities include joining clubs and organizations, participating in competitions, volunteering in the community, and attending events and guest speaker series related to the culinary arts. The campus also has an athletic program and a student-run restaurant, which offer additional opportunities for students to get involved and enhance their skills outside of the classroom. Additionally, students can participate in internships and externships to gain hands-on experience in the culinary industry.

How are the food choices at Culinary Institute of America?

The Culinary Institute of America is renowned for its culinary training and its dining options reflect that reputation. The campus offers a variety of dining options ranging from casual cafes to upscale restaurants that serve an array of cuisine ranging from traditional American classics to gourmet dishes from around the world. The Culinary Institute of America prides itself on providing students with access to a variety of high-quality and locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that the food served is fresh, delicious, and nutritious. Additionally, students who attend the Culinary Institute of America have the opportunity to learn about food preparation techniques and culinary trends from some of the best chefs in the world. Overall, the food choices at the Culinary Institute of America are diverse, of high quality, and tailored towards the needs of culinary students.

Is there Greek life at Culinary Institute of America?

The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is primarily a culinary school focused on providing education and training in the culinary arts. As such, there is no Greek life at CIA since it is not a traditional college or university with residential campuses. While there may be student organizations related to cooking or hospitality industry, they are not structured as sororities or fraternities commonly seen in traditional universities.

What is Culinary Institute of America known for?

The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is a private, not-for-profit college that is specialized in culinary arts education. The CIA is renowned for its excellence in culinary education and is considered one of the top culinary schools in the world. The school has campuses in New York, California, and Texas, and it offers several degree programs in culinary arts, baking and pastry arts, and wine and beverage studies. In addition, the CIA is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, world-class faculty, and its reputation for producing top chefs, restaurateurs, and food industry professionals.

What are the most popular school clubs at Culinary Institute of America?

At the Culinary Institute of America, there are a variety of student-run clubs and organizations focused on culinary arts, cultural activities, and community service. Some of the most popular clubs include: 1. Baking and Pastry Club: This club is for students interested in baking and pastry arts. Members participate in workshops, competitions, and events related to baking and pastry. 2. Student Government Association: The SGA allows students to voice their opinions and share ideas about school policies and events. They organize fundraisers, cultural events, and community service projects. 3. Wine and Beverage Club: Members learn about wine and beverage pairing, participate in tastings, and attend industry events. 4. Herbs and Gardening Club: This club promotes sustainability and educates members about planting and maintaining herb gardens for use in cooking. 5. American Culinary Federation: CIA students participate in the ACF to network with culinary professionals, attend training sessions, and participate in culinary competitions. There are many other clubs at the Culinary Institute of America, catering to a wide range of interests and passions.

Is the campus at Culinary Institute of America safe?

Yes, the campus at the Culinary Institute of America is generally considered safe. The Institute has a full-time security staff that patrols the campus and its surroundings around the clock. Additionally, all buildings and residence halls require a CIA ID or visitor pass for entry, which helps to ensure the safety of the campus community. However, like any campus, it’s always recommended to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.

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