University of Missouri-Columbia Overview
University of Missouri-Columbia is a four-year, full-time, selective, lower transfer-in, higher education institution located in Columbia, MO. It has an enrollment of 23,092 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 76.55%.
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $17,899. Tuition is $11,475.00 without financial aid.
University of Missouri-Columbia is a predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting school.
At University of Missouri-Columbia, 88.41% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).
University of Missouri-Columbia has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18 to 1.
University of Missouri-Columbia Website
University of Missouri-Columbia Admissions
For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 76.55%.
SAT or ACT scores are considered but not required
- The average SAT score was 1263.0 for the incoming class of 2023.
- The median ACT score was 27.0 for the incoming class to 2023.
University of Missouri-Columbia Cost
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $17,899. The in-state tuition is $11,475.00. Out-of-state tuition is $30,450.00
The average tuition is:
- $13,482, when family income is less than $30,000
- $12,992, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000
- $14,056, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
- $19,568, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
- $23,533, when family income is more than $110,000
The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 34.44% of students received a federal student loan and 20.72% of students received a Pell Grant.
Tuition is $30,450.00 without financial aid, or the in-state tuition discount.
University of Missouri-Columbia Net Price Calculator
University of Missouri-Columbia Majors/Salaries
University of Missouri-Columbia has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.
- Agriculture – 3.73%
- Resources – 0.83%
- Architecture – 0.00%
- Ethnic cultural gender – 16.05%
- Communication – 10.46%
- Communications technology – 0.00%
- Computer – 2.33%
- Personal culinary – 0.00%
- Education –3.34%
- Engineering – 6.39%
- Engineering technology – 0.00%
- Language – 1.01%
- Family consumer science – 1.76%
- Legal – 0.00%
- English – 1.10%
- Humanities – 1.61%
- Library – 0.00%
- Biological – 4.19%
- Business Marketing – 17.64%
- Mathematics – 1.32%
- Military – 0.00%
- Multidiscipline – 0.95%
- Parks recreation fitness – 1.83%
- Philosophy religious – 0.28%
- Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
- Physical science – 1.02%
- Science technology – 0.00%
- Psychology – 3.62%
- Security law enforcement – 0.00%
- Public administration social service – 0.36%
- Social science – 4.65%
- Construction –0.00%
- Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
- Precision production – 0.00%
- Transportation – 0.00%
- Visual performing – 1.89%
- Health – 12.98%
- History – 0.65%
Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at University of Missouri-Columbia here.
Recent Graduate Salaries
(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)
- Agriculture, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,925
- Agricultural Business and Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $46,673
- Agricultural Mechanization. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,318
- Animal Sciences. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,281
- Food Science and Technology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,289
- Plant Sciences. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $36,131
- Veterinary Medicine. (First Professional Degree) – $78,768
- Natural Resources Conservation and Research. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $23,207
- Natural Resources Conservation and Research. (Master’s Degree) – $38,289
- Area Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $34,298
- Communication and Media Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,891
- Journalism. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,197
- Journalism. (Master’s Degree) – $50,543
- Computer and Information Sciences, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $63,666
- Curriculum and Instruction. (Master’s Degree) – $40,164
- Curriculum and Instruction. (Doctoral Degree) – $57,318
- Educational Administration and Supervision. (Master’s Degree) – $49,962
- Educational Administration and Supervision. (Doctoral Degree) – $81,210
- Special Education and Teaching. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,518
- Special Education and Teaching. (Master’s Degree) – $38,289
- Student Counseling and Personnel Services. (Master’s Degree) – $45,354
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,245
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,721
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas. (Master’s Degree) – $37,748
- Chemical Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $62,012
- Civil Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,995
- Computer Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $69,897
- Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $67,101
- Mechanical Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $66,004
- Industrial Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $69,338
- Biological/Biosystems Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $46,321
- Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $18,401
- Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $29,685
- Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $21,964
- Family and Consumer Economics and Related Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $41,193
- Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $39,909
- Housing and Human Environments. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $43,000
- Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $28,478
- Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services. (Master’s Degree) – $36,668
- Apparel and Textiles. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $41,007
- Law. (First Professional Degree) – $54,621
- English Language and Literature, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $29,064
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,274
- Biology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $26,121
- Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $30,047
- Mathematics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,289
- Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $30,891
- Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,043
- Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,993
- Chemistry. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $25,194
- Chemistry. (Doctoral Degree) – $56,415
- Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $31,848
- Physics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $43,426
- Psychology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $29,805
- Public Administration. (Master’s Degree) – $52,524
- Social Work. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,138
- Social Work. (Master’s Degree) – $41,362
- Economics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $45,696
- Political Science and Government. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,711
- Political Science and Government. (Doctoral Degree) – $64,990
- Sociology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,391
- Fine and Studio Arts. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $29,374
- Music. (Master’s Degree) – $29,685
- Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,624
- Communication Disorders Sciences and Services. (Master’s Degree) – $52,941
- Health and Medical Administrative Services. (Master’s Degree) – $74,953
- Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,017
- Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions. (Master’s Degree) – $65,797
- Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,318
- Medicine. (First Professional Degree) – $57,461
- Public Health. (Master’s Degree) – $48,198
- Public Health. (Graduate/Professional Certificate) – $60,161
- Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions. (Master’s Degree) – $63,692
- Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions. (Doctoral Degree) – $65,131
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,066
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Master’s Degree) – $89,564
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Doctoral Degree) – $100,008
- Business/Commerce, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $48,892
- Business/Commerce, General. (Master’s Degree) – $80,628
- Accounting and Related Services. (Master’s Degree) – $59,350
- Hospitality Administration/Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,500
- History. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $21,166
University of Missouri-Columbia Diversity
The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at University of Missouri-Columbia
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.17%
- Asian: 2.82%
- Black: 6.47%
- Hispanic: 5.24%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.10%
- Non-resident alien: 1.07%
- Two or more races: 4.62%
- Unknown: 0.71%
- White: 78.80%
At University of Missouri-Columbia, 4.11% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.
University of Missouri-Columbia Frequently Asked Questions
How is school spirit at University of Missouri-Columbia?
The University of Missouri-Columbia is known for its strong school spirit. The student body is very passionate about their school and enthusiastic about attending athletic events, especially football games. The university’s official colors, black and gold, are often visible on campus and around Columbia, Missouri. MU also has several traditions that foster school spirit, including Homecoming and Tiger Walk.
What are some popular extracurriculars at University of Missouri-Columbia?
At the University of Missouri-Columbia, some popular extracurricular activities include: 1. Club sports – There are over 50 different club sports available to join. 2. Greek life – Fraternities and sororities are a big part of campus life with over 40 organizations to choose from. 3. Student organizations – There are over 600 student-run organizations on campus, ranging from academic clubs to social groups. 4. Volunteering – Mizzou encourages students to give back to the community and offers many opportunities for volunteering, including through the MU Service-Learning Program. 5. Performing arts – The university has several performance groups, including theater, music, and dance. 6. Outdoor activities – With over 1,200 acres of land, Mizzou has plenty of outdoor spaces for students to explore and enjoy. The Outdoor Recreation Center also offers guided trips and rental equipment for students.
How are the food choices at University of Missouri-Columbia?
The University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) offers a variety of food choices for its students. There are many dining options on campus, including fast food chains, traditional dining halls, and specialty restaurants. The university’s dining services also provide healthy options such as vegan, gluten-free, and vegetarian food items. Additionally, Mizzou partners with local farmers to source fresh produce and ingredients. Overall, students at Mizzou generally find that there are plenty of tasty and varied food choices available on campus.
Is there Greek life at University of Missouri-Columbia?
Yes, there is Greek life at the University of Missouri-Columbia. There are about 60 fraternities and sororities at the university, offering a variety of social and professional opportunities for students. The Greek community at University of Missouri-Columbia is known for its philanthropic efforts and community service initiatives. Students who are interested in joining a fraternity or sorority can participate in rush events and visit the Greek Life Office for more information.
What is University of Missouri-Columbia known for?
The University of Missouri-Columbia, also known as Mizzou, is a well-respected institution known for its high-quality academic programs, research opportunities, and rich student life. The university is particularly known for its School of Journalism, which is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious journalism schools. Mizzou is also known for its strong programs in agriculture, veterinary science, and engineering. Additionally, the university has a thriving arts and culture scene, as well as many vibrant student organizations and athletic teams.
What are the most popular school clubs at University of Missouri-Columbia?
The University of Missouri-Columbia has a wide range of clubs and organizations catering to a variety of student interests, but some of the most popular clubs include: 1. Mizzou Alternative Breaks – provides students with the opportunity to participate in community service projects during school breaks. 2. Student Activities Board – plans social and recreational events for the student body. 3. Habitat for Humanity – works with the local Habitat for Humanity chapter to build and repair homes for low-income families. 4. MizzouThon – raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through a dance marathon event. 5. The Outing Club – organizes outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and rock climbing.
Is the campus at University of Missouri-Columbia safe?
The University of Missouri has a public safety division that is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all students, faculty, and staff. They have a comprehensive emergency management plan in place, and regularly conduct drills to test their readiness in emergency situations. In recent years, the University has also invested in additional security measures such as security cameras and emergency call boxes. While no campus can guarantee complete safety, University of Missouri has taken measures to ensure a secure environment for all members of its community.