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Regis University Tuition and Success Analysis

Regis University Overview

Regis University is a four-year, medium full-time, selective, lower transfer-in, higher education institution located in Denver, CO. It has an enrollment of 2,616 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 81.37%.

The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $23,916. Tuition is $39,610.00 without financial aid.

Regis University is a predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting school.

At Regis University, 79.21% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).

Regis University has a student-to-faculty ratio of 10 to 1.

Regis University Website

Regis University Admissions

For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 81.37%.

SAT or ACT scores are considered but not required.

  • The average SAT score was 1174.0 for the incoming class of 2023.
  • The median ACT score was 25.0 for the incoming class to 2023.

Regis University Cost

The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $23,916.

The average tuition is:

  • $18,978, when family income is less than $30,000
  • $20,203, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000 
  • $21,510, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
  • $26,091, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
  • $29,647, when family income is more than $110,000 

The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 43.95% of students received a federal student loan and 22.40% of students received a Pell Grant.

Tuition is $39,610.00 without financial aid.

Regis University Net Price Calculator

Regis University Majors/Salaries

Regis University has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.  

  • Agriculture – 1.53%
  • Resources – 0.92%
  • Architecture – 0.00%
  • Ethnic cultural gender – 0.00%
  • Communication – 2.34%
  • Communications technology – 0.00%
  • Computer – 7.32%
  • Personal culinary – 0.00%
  • Education –1.32%
  • Engineering – 0.00%
  • Engineering technology – 0.00%
  • Language – 0.41%
  • Family consumer science – 0.00%
  • Legal – 0.00%
  • English – 2.14%
  • Humanities – 9.56%
  • Library – 0.00%
  • Biological – 5.60%
  • Business Marketing – 21.36%
  • Mathematics – 0.92%
  • Military – 0.00%
  • Multidiscipline – 3.05%
  • Parks recreation fitness – 2.54%
  • Philosophy religious – 0.51%
  • Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
  • Physical science – 0.71%
  • Science technology – 0.00%
  • Psychology – 4.37%
  • Security law enforcement – 0.61%
  • Public administration social service – 0.00%
  • Social science – 2.75%
  • Construction –0.00%
  • Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
  • Precision production – 0.00%
  • Transportation – 0.00%
  • Visual performing – 0.61%
  • Health – 30.93%
  • History – 0.51%

Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at Regis University here.

Recent Graduate Salaries

(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)

  • Communication and Media Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $39,369
  • Computer and Information Sciences, General. (Master’s Degree) – $87,873
  • Computer Science. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $74,200
  • Education, General. (Master’s Degree) – $44,489
  • Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education. (Post-baccalaureate Certificate) – $43,128
  • Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education. (Graduate/Professional Certificate) – $50,439
  • Educational Administration and Supervision. (Master’s Degree) – $55,964
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $34,908
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $36,324
  • Biology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $28,598
  • Microbiological Sciences and Immunology. (Master’s Degree) – $19,455
  • Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $37,208
  • Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other. (Master’s Degree) – $46,478
  • Psychology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $34,704
  • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology. (Master’s Degree) – $39,585
  • Criminology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $48,823
  • Criminology. (Master’s Degree) – $52,107
  • Health and Medical Administrative Services. (Master’s Degree) – $81,873
  • Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions. (Master’s Degree) – $29,685
  • Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration. (Doctoral Degree) – $119,331
  • Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions. (Doctoral Degree) – $69,977
  • Bioethics/Medical Ethics. (Graduate/Professional Certificate) – $78,971
  • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $63,140
  • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Master’s Degree) – $86,621
  • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Doctoral Degree) – $91,006
  • Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $43,319
  • Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Master’s Degree) – $66,897
  • Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Graduate/Professional Certificate) – $50,270
  • Accounting and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $52,941
  • Accounting and Related Services. (Master’s Degree) – $63,997
  • Finance and Financial Management Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $64,493
  • Human Resources Management and Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $46,087

Regis University Diversity

The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at Regis University

  • American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.42%
  • Asian: 6.35%
  • Black: 4.66%
  • Hispanic: 26.45%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.31%
  • Non-resident alien: 1.34%
  • Two or more races: 4.28%
  • Unknown: 6.27%
  • White: 49.92%

At Regis University, 34.72% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.

Regis University Frequently Asked Questions

How is school spirit at Regis University?

Regis University is known for having a strong sense of school spirit. The university’s mission of service and social justice inspires a close-knit community of students, faculty, and staff who share a commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Regis also has a successful athletics program, with teams competing in the NCAA Division II Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, which enhances school spirit and creates a sense of pride and camaraderie among students and alumni. Overall, Regis University has a welcoming and supportive campus culture that fosters a lively school spirit.

What are some popular extracurriculars at Regis University?

Regis University offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students. Some of the popular extracurricular activities at Regis University include: 1. Club Sports: Regis University has a number of club sports teams, including soccer, ultimate frisbee, and volleyball. 2. Honor Societies: There are several academic honor societies at Regis University, including Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Sigma Nu, and Sigma Tau Delta. 3. Service Organizations: Regis University has several service clubs, including Habitat for Humanity and Circle K. 4. Student Government: Students at Regis University can get involved in student government and participate in the development and implementation of campus policies. 5. Music and Theater: Regis University has both music and theater programs, and students can participate in performances or work behind the scenes. 6. Outdoor Adventures: Regis University offers opportunities for outdoor recreation, including hiking, mountaineering, and skiing. These are just a few examples of the many extracurricular activities available at Regis University.

How are the food choices at Regis University?

Regis University offers a variety of food choices on campus, including vegetarian, gluten-free, and vegan options. The university has a dining hall, cafes, and snack bars on campus that offer meals and snacks throughout the day. The food at Regis University is made with fresh ingredients, and the menus change regularly to provide students with diverse options. In addition, the university also hosts food events and festivals throughout the year that celebrate different cultures and cuisines. Overall, the food choices at Regis University are known to be diverse, healthy, and tasty, and they cater to different dietary needs and preferences.

Is there Greek life at Regis University?

Regis University in Denver, Colorado has a Greek life program. There are currently three recognized Greek organizations on campus: Sigma Chi, Sigma Kappa, and Kappa Sigma. However, it is important to note that membership in Greek life is not for everyone and there are other ways to get involved on campus.

What is Regis University known for?

Regis University, located in Denver, Colorado, is known for its strong Jesuit tradition and commitment to social justice. It offers over 130 undergraduate and graduate degree programs through its five colleges: Regis College, the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, the Anderson College of Business, the College of Computer and Information Sciences, and the College of Contemporary Liberal Studies. Regis University is also recognized for its small class sizes, personalized attention from faculty, and emphasis on experiential learning opportunities for students. Additionally, Regis University has been recognized as a top university for veterans and for its commitment to sustainability.

What are the most popular school clubs at Regis University?

Regis University, located in Denver, Colorado, offers a wide range of clubs and organizations for students to get involved in. Some of the most popular school clubs at Regis University are: 1. Student Government Association (SGA) – SGA is responsible for representing the student body and advocating for their needs. They also plan events and activities on campus. 2. Regis Outdoors Club – This club organizes outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and skiing for students who love the great outdoors. 3. Yoga and Meditation Club – This club promotes physical and mental wellness through yoga and meditation sessions. 4. Regis Film Club – Film enthusiasts can join this club to watch and analyze movies together. 5. Regis Dance Collective – This club provides opportunities for students who are passionate about dance to choreograph and perform various dance styles. 6. Regis Programming Board – This student-run organization plans events and activities throughout the year, including concerts, comedy shows, and other social events. 7. Regis Robotics Club – This club allows students to design, build, and program robots for various competitions and events. These are just a few examples of the many clubs and organizations available at Regis University. Students are encouraged to get involved in areas that interest them and to build connections with their peers and the community.

Is the campus at Regis University safe?

Regis University has a relatively safe campus compared to some of its peer institutions. According to the university’s annual security report, the number of reported crimes on campus has been relatively low in recent years. Campus security personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, and safety measures, such as emergency phones, are located throughout campus. However, like any large institution, there is always some level of risk. The university encourages all students, faculty, and staff to be vigilant and to take responsibility for their own safety by reporting any suspicious activity and following protocol in case of an emergency.

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