West Chester University of Pennsylvania Overview
West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a four-year, full-time, selective, higher transfer-in, higher education institution located in West Chester, PA. It has an enrollment of 14,152 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 89.36%.
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $13,183. Tuition is $10,471.00 without financial aid.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting school.
At West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 84.84% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).
West Chester University of Pennsylvania has a student-to-faculty ratio of 20 to 1.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Website
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Admissions
For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 89.36%.
SAT or ACT scores are considered but not required
- The average SAT score was 1165.0 for the incoming class of 2023.
- The median ACT score was 26.0 for the incoming class to 2023.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Cost
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $13,183. The in-state tuition is $10,471.00. Out-of-state tuition is $22,295.00
The average tuition is:
- $8,168, when family income is less than $30,000
- $8,733, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000
- $11,386, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
- $15,109, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
- $16,433, when family income is more than $110,000
The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 49.56% of students received a federal student loan and 24.42% of students received a Pell Grant.
Tuition is $22,295.00 without financial aid, or the in-state tuition discount.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Net Price Calculator
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Majors/Salaries
West Chester University of Pennsylvania has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.
- Agriculture – 0.00%
- Resources – 0.00%
- Architecture – 0.39%
- Ethnic cultural gender – 0.21%
- Communication – 2.29%
- Communications technology – 0.00%
- Computer – 3.30%
- Personal culinary – 0.00%
- Education –7.98%
- Engineering – 0.00%
- Engineering technology – 0.00%
- Language – 0.71%
- Family consumer science – 0.00%
- Legal – 0.00%
- English – 5.65%
- Humanities – 4.64%
- Library – 0.00%
- Biological – 3.99%
- Business Marketing – 25.80%
- Mathematics – 1.19%
- Military – 0.00%
- Multidiscipline – 0.00%
- Parks recreation fitness – 5.95%
- Philosophy religious – 0.21%
- Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
- Physical science – 1.64%
- Science technology – 0.00%
- Psychology – 7.44%
- Security law enforcement – 4.58%
- Public administration social service – 1.82%
- Social science – 2.17%
- Construction –0.00%
- Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
- Precision production – 0.00%
- Transportation – 0.00%
- Visual performing – 3.24%
- Health – 15.65%
- History – 1.13%
Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at West Chester University of Pennsylvania here.
Recent Graduate Salaries
(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)
- Computer and Information Sciences, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $70,863
- Special Education and Teaching. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $45,867
- Special Education and Teaching. (Master’s Degree) – $58,402
- Student Counseling and Personnel Services. (Master’s Degree) – $45,234
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $40,776
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods. (Master’s Degree) – $52,107
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas. (Master’s Degree) – $54,109
- Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,600
- English Language and Literature, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,535
- English Language and Literature, General. (Master’s Degree) – $40,485
- Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,072
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $30,771
- Biology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $40,233
- Mathematics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $49,832
- Statistics. (Master’s Degree) – $86,129
- Systems Science and Theory. (Master’s Degree) – $50,677
- Health and Physical Education/Fitness. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,382
- Health and Physical Education/Fitness. (Master’s Degree) – $42,235
- Chemistry. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $48,432
- Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $39,369
- Psychology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $30,535
- Psychology, General. (Master’s Degree) – $49,787
- Criminal Justice and Corrections. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,289
- Criminal Justice and Corrections. (Master’s Degree) – $41,937
- Social Work. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,391
- Social Work. (Master’s Degree) – $46,148
- Anthropology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $21,964
- Geography and Cartography. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $39,009
- Political Science and Government. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $37,028
- Sociology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $29,250
- Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $18,771
- Fine and Studio Arts. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,274
- Music. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,351
- Music. (Master’s Degree) – $52,107
- Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,589
- Communication Disorders Sciences and Services. (Master’s Degree) – $54,661
- Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $36,848
- Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $53,608
- Public Health. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $47,260
- Public Health. (Master’s Degree) – $47,595
- Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,772
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $66,653
- Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $44,235
- Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Master’s Degree) – $91,211
- Accounting and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $59,253
- Business/Managerial Economics. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $50,856
- Finance and Financial Management Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $53,508
- General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $45,435
- History. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $35,351
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Diversity
The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at West Chester University of Pennsylvania
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.18%
- Asian: 2.92%
- Black: 11.28%
- Hispanic: 6.58%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.00%
- Non-resident alien: 0.20%
- Two or more races: 3.35%
- Unknown: 1.99%
- White: 73.50%
At West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 8.85% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania Frequently Asked Questions
How is school spirit at West Chester University of Pennsylvania?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania is known for having a strong school spirit, with lots of opportunities for students to get involved in campus activities and events. Homecoming and other big events often draw large crowds and there are many student-led organizations devoted to promoting school pride and community involvement. The university also supports a robust athletic program, with teams competing at the NCAA Division II level, and many students follow and support their teams throughout the year. Overall, West Chester University fosters a lively and engaged campus community, with plenty of ways to get involved and show school spirit.
What are some popular extracurriculars at West Chester University of Pennsylvania?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities that cater to different interests. Some of the popular extracurriculars include: 1. Club sports such as ultimate frisbee, rugby, and volleyball 2. Theater productions and musical performances organized by the Department of Theatre and Dance 3. Student-run media outlets such as The Quad newspaper and WCUR radio station 4. Greek life organizations, including social fraternities and sororities 5. Intramural sports such as flag football, basketball, and dodgeball 6. Academic and professional organizations related to various majors and fields of study 7. Service organizations such as the Community Service Club and Habitat for Humanity 8. Special interest groups such as the Anime Club and the LGBTQ+ Alliance. There are many other extracurricular activities that students can join at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, providing ample opportunity for students to pursue their interests and passions while studying at the university.
How are the food choices at West Chester University of Pennsylvania?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania offers a variety of food options on campus. There are several dining halls on campus such as Lawrence Dining Hall and the Sykes Student Union Dining Hall that offer a variety of foods including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. In addition to the dining halls, there are also several cafes and food trucks on campus that offer a wide range of food options. Some popular options include Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Qdoba, and Freshens Smoothies. Overall, students at West Chester University of Pennsylvania have plenty of food options available to them.
Is there Greek life at West Chester University of Pennsylvania?
Yes, West Chester University of Pennsylvania does have a Greek life community. There are several fraternities and sororities on campus for students to join. These organizations offer opportunities for students to get involved in philanthropy, leadership, and social activities. However, it is important to note that participation in Greek life is optional and not all students choose to join.
What is West Chester University of Pennsylvania known for?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania is known for its strong programs in music education, business, and social work. It also has a reputation for providing quality education in fields such as nursing, communication studies, and psychology. The university is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top public universities in the northern region of the United States. Additionally, West Chester University has a thriving performing arts scene and is home to the renowned Wells School of Music.
What are the most popular school clubs at West Chester University of Pennsylvania?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania offers a wide range of clubs and organizations for students to join. Some of the most popular clubs at WCU are the Campus Activities Board (CAB), the Student Government Association (SGA), the Greek organizations (fraternities and sororities), the club sports teams (e.g. Ultimate Frisbee, Quidditch, etc.), and the various cultural and diversity organizations (e.g. Black Student Union, Asian American Association, etc.). Additionally, there are academic and interest-based clubs, such as the Forensic Science Club, the Music Industry Club, and the Pokemon Club.
Is the campus at West Chester University of Pennsylvania safe?
West Chester University of Pennsylvania has a strong commitment to campus safety. The Department of Public Safety, which includes both police and security personnel, is responsible for maintaining safety and security on campus. Additionally, the university uses a variety of safety measures such as security cameras, emergency call boxes, and an alert system to keep students and faculty informed about any potential safety concerns. While no campus can be completely free from crime, West Chester University is generally considered a safe place to study. As with any campus, it’s important to use common sense and take precautions to stay safe, such as not walking alone at night and being aware of your surroundings.